Primarily, you want to maintain the strength of a relationship that’s always been enjoyed. Time spent with your loved ones in their old age should be memorable and enjoyable, not resentful. Choosing Imani Healthcare, a high quality, trusted home care provider we removes a great deal of the stress surrounding long term decision-making for your loved ones and home care is the least expensive arrangement compared to care delivered in a residential setting.

There are a number of consideration about care for your family member that have perhaps led you to research it further, you may be: struggling to provide support yourself due to time, work, a lack of proximity to your loved one, or other pressures, you may prefer their time spent with you to be sociable, needing a break from the time you spend looking after their needs, concerned about the long term costs associated with residential care? If one or a number of these strike a chord, then home care may well be the right option for your family.

We offer a wide range of care services that will be of valuable help to you and your wider family in looking after your loved-one. A full listing of how we can help can be found by visiting our ‘services.

Every member of our care teams has been through a rigorous vetting procedure before they start working with us including a DBS check. In addition, all staff will always be in uniform and carry a personalised identification card which shows their name, photograph and signature.